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paid leave is still falling short of parents’ needs

Take a deeper dive the policies of today, and what parents want from employers when it comes to leave time, quality and pay

On average, most employers offer around three months of leave and most of this time is at least partly paid.

How much of your leave is paid?
Full pay and longer parental leave is becoming more common.
Many employers clearly see the benefits of retaining working parents.

What percent of your usual pay do you receive during your paid leave? 
Good news: it is no longer acceptable for employers not to offer paid parental leave.
In even better news, nearly 44% of respondents say their leave was paid at 100% of their salary.

When given a chance to detail what they’re looking for from leave, participants shared that they want:

  1. Longer leave. 
  2. Adequate transition planning and work distribution while they’re out. Many noted that when they returned, they were met with mountains of work no one had touched for months, making an overwhelming time even more so. 
  3. Gradual return to work.
Many studies have found that extending the length of leave can improve health outcomes and employee loyalty. Other studies have found that offering more support during leave and in RTW (childcare classes, digital health tools, mental health support) not only helps employees, but makes employers more profitable.
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