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return to work is key

Just make sure your programs are flexible, comprehensive and include coaching

Key findings from this RTW study
Does your employer offer onsite childcare?
Premium benefits like onsite childcare aren’t widespread.

Does your employer offer childcare stipends or child care discount programs?
Even though parents rank discounts and stipends to help fund childcare costs as very important, these benefits are also not widespread.

Does your employer offer flexible working hours, work from home, or other arrangements to support you as a working parent?
Though gradual return was the the #1 scored benefit parents want, only 23% of employers offer it today.

Did you or are you planning to breastfeed?
Most people wanted to, or did breastfeed, yet support for breastfeeding at work is slim, and sometimes non-existent despite being legally required.

If you are, or have, pumped at work before, is your manager (or team) understanding and respectful about it?
While most employees say that their managers are mostly respectful of their need to pump and breastfeed, the spaces their employers offer aren’t meeting their needs. Many are not reservable in advance, don’t have a dedicated fridge for milk storage, or aren’t comfortable or temperature controlled. 

Does or did your employer offer the following features to support pumping at work?
Unfortunately, there still seem to be cultural barriers to pumping at work. Only 14% of respondents say their employer allows or encourages them to block time on their calendar for pumping.
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