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so what can you do to improve your existing benefits?

These data make it clear that the call for better employer support for women, working parents, and families isn’t a fluke caused by the stresses of the pandemic, but rather a systemic change in expectations. 
Use these responses to make some changes and evolve your program to be even more family friendly, and get better, measurable ROI.

Here are 10 ways you can improve

Extend or enhance your parental leave program — ensure it’s paid, at least 4 months, and does not require employees to use sick leave and PTO before taking leave
Offer flexible scheduling where you can
Take a hard look at your culture and ID policies that may be unintentionally discriminating against parents
Examine your RTW programs and find ways to strengthen them — try implementing a gradual return to work schedule
Consider offering childcare stipends
Consider offering more support for fertility and maternity care management through tangible digital health tools
Invest in digital health tools and manager trainings to address and improve perinatal mental health disorder identification and treatment
Strengthen RTW programs to ensure breastfeeding and mother’s room policies are updated (rooms should be bookable, temperature controlled, and private
Implement a new manager training
Ensure your benefits are inclusive to all paths to parenthood — especially those trying to grow their families through adoption, surrogate motherhood, or fostering
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