  • Leslie Saltzman, DO, Chief Medical Officer, Ovia Health
  • David Ashley, MD, Medical Director, Labcorp Employer Services
  • Colin Fenn, Executive Director of Sales, Labcorp Employer Services
Heart disease costs employers and individuals nearly $1 billion a day in medical costs and lost productivity. According to some studies, approximately 800,000 Americans die each year from heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. That accounts for one in every three deaths in the United States, and one of every six dollars employers spend on healthcare. And, it’s worse for women. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, and one of the most preventable.

How can employers help employees prepare for and avoid heart disease? Focusing on digital health, prevention and identifying risk early are key strategies to improving cardiovascular health outcomes. Watch this webinar to hear speakers share:

  • The impact cardiovascular disease can have on workforce health
  • Why women are most at risk
  • How early detection and prevention-focused care can fuel health programs and drive a healthier, more resilient and cost effective workforce.

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If supporting women's health, improving retention, and expanding DEI&B in your benefits is on your roadmap, we can help. Schedule a call with Ovia's team to learn how we're helping clients see up to 77% of their workforce feel confident in their role as a working parent, 94% plan on staying at their job a year or more and up to 4X ROI.*
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**Note that these outcome(s) reflect(s) the greatest improvement experienced by a single client for this/these clinical condition area(s). Other clients experienced different outcomes in this/these clinical area(s). Actual results may vary based upon initial prevalence rate and engagement rates.