Beyond Birth: How Employers Can Invest in the Postpartum Period
  • Corrinne Hobbs, General Manager and Vice President of Employer Enterprise & Strategic Partnerships - Ovia Health
  • Leslie Saltzman, DO, MBA, Chief Medical Officer - Ovia Health
  • Sarah Begley, Director of Member Content - Atria Institute
More and more organizations are realizing that providing fertility benefits is essential for employees who are looking to conceive and start their family building journey. However, a key time period may be getting overlooked in the process - postpartum. How are organizations supporting employees after they give birth and return to work? What strategies and programs are out there that offer guidance and proactive outreach to those employees going through this unique time of their lives that don't break the bank?

Listen to experts from Ovia Health speak about the pregnancy and postpartum risk factors that can influence long-term health outcomes, as well as the ways employers can invest in meaningful end-to-end digital health solutions that support employees throughout their entire care continuum. Viewers will learn the unique health problems that can affect those in the postpartum period, how organizations can offer personalized health and return to work support during this time, and ultimately how investing in holistic health benefits can save your organization in the long run.

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If supporting women's health, improving retention, and expanding DEI&B through inclusive benefits is on your roadmap, we can help. Schedule a call with Ovia's team to learn how we're helping organizations see up to 77% of their workforce feel confident in their role as a working parent, 94% of employees plan on staying at their job a year or more, and up to 4X ROI.*
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**Note that these outcome(s) reflect(s) the greatest improvement experienced by a single client for this/these clinical condition area(s). Other clients experienced different outcomes in this/these clinical area(s). Actual results may vary based upon initial prevalence rate and engagement rates.